Articles by Topic

Reframing Education with the Right Mental Models

In the latest episode of the Middle School Walk and Talk podcast, hosts Jessica McGuire and Phyllis Fagell sit down with Clay Cook, Chief Development Officer at CharacterStrong, to discuss strategies for better supporting students through social-emotional learning (SEL) and behavior management. With his diverse background as a former university professor, middle school math teacher,

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Amplifying Middle Grades Student Voice with a Statewide Leadership Summit

The ballroom at the Hilton Hawaiian Village buzzed with energy as more than 650 sixth, seventh, and eighth graders filled the space. They had traveled to Honolulu from across the state—some even flying in that morning from neighboring islands—for the second annual Hawaii Department of Education (HIDOE) Middle Level Student Leadership Summit. Designed “by and

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High School is Too Late to Start the Career Conversation.

Why Middle School: Challenging an Outdated Paradigm with a New Approach The model has remained steady for decades: wait until kids are juniors or seniors in high school to get them thinking seriously about what education-to-career pathways they may want to pursue after graduation. But let’s put ourselves in the shoes of a high school

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5 Tips for Supporting Muslim Students During Ramadan

Approximately 1.35 million Muslim children attend school in the United States, and this population is growing. However, because Muslims currently represent only a small percentage of the total U.S. population, they may be overlooked or misunderstood by people from other religious or cultural backgrounds. In fact, a 2021 survey found that more than 50% of

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For the Love of Learning and Teaching: An Intro to the AMLE Teacher Leaders Committee

Teaching can often feel like a solitary endeavor. Community and collaboration are essential to our success. In honor of this Middle Level Education Month’s theme, as members of the AMLE Teacher Leaders Committee we would like to “shine a light” on how the committee has contributed to our professional growth and satisfaction and empower others

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Trending Topics

High School is Too Late to Start the Career Conversation.

Why Middle School: Challenging an Outdated Paradigm with a New Approach The model has remained steady for decades: wait until kids are juniors or seniors in high school to get them thinking seriously about what education-to-career pathways they may want to pursue after graduation. But let’s put ourselves in the shoes of a high school

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AMLE Celebrates Inaugural Schools of Distinction

AMLE recognized its inaugural class of Schools of Distinction earlier this month, in conjunction with the organization’s 49th Annual Conference in Orlando, Florida. The twelve schools were selected for their fervent commitment to implementing the essential attributes and characteristics of successful middle grades schools. In addition to being celebrated during a special awards ceremony, each

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Reimagining School – What should it look like and who is it for?

Cornelius Minor and Kass Minor help #AMLE22 attendees find their bottom lines as educators Cornelius and Kass Minor believe that kids don’t just learn in school. They become. It’s an attitude reflective of what we know about middle grades best practice, making them the perfect keynoters for #AMLE22 and our return to in-person conference. We

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