AMLE Announces Inaugural Successful Middle School Grant Awardees

Funding will support creative scheduling initiative and future-focused innovation center 

The AMLE Foundation Fund has selected South View Middle School in Edina, MN and West Clermont Middle School in Batavia, OH as the inaugural recipients of its Successful Middle School Grant. That AMLE Foundation Fund established the grant in 2023 to provide funding to educators engaged in promising, research-based practices that fulfil one or more of the 18 Characteristics of Successful Middle Schools and might supply insights and replicable strategies for the broader middle level education field.  

South View Middle School’s Belonging Flex initiative allows every student to engage in club-like experiences, developing rich and meaningful cross grade level relationships within the school day. After selecting a “belonging flex” based on their interests, which range from French Foodies Club to Girls on the Run Club, students meet regularly with their flex over the course of the semester. Belonging Flex serves as an expansion of the work already being done during advisory to help kids make new peer connections and develop strong relationships with staff.  

“South View is so honored and thrilled to receive an AMLE Successful Middle School Grant for our Belonging Flex initiative,” said Principal Tricia Pettis, “School clubs are key to developing critical thinking, problem-solving, creativity, leadership, and collaboration skills. This grant will allow our teachers to offer various belonging flexes geared to the learners’ interests and passions, and in return create a stronger sense of belonging for all.” 

West Clermont Middle School’s Innovation and Media Center initiative will provide a dynamic environment dedicated to fostering creativity, collaboration, and future-focused literacy skills through hands-on projects and experiences. The Center will also play a crucial role in supporting the school’s new 15 innovation and design elective courses that are aligned with emerging career pathways and industry demands.  

“We are honored to receive the AMLE Successful Middle School Grant to support our goal of reimagining our traditional school library into an Innovation and Media Center,” said Jessica West, Associate Principal West Clermont Middle, “By empowering our students with the tools and skills they need to thrive in an ever-evolving world, the center aims to nurture the next generation of innovators, creators, and changemakers.” 

“The AMLE Foundation Fund was created in 1994 as a way for middle level supporters to donate funds that could be used to support and sustain efforts to improve the education of young adolescents,” said Patti Kinney, AMLE Foundation Fund Chair, “Thanks to the generous donations of members and others, we are delighted to have reached a point where we can offer grants to schools to implement innovative programs that promote replicable, research-based practices based on the 18 Characteristics of Successful Middle Schools. After an overwhelming response to this initial application year we look forward to hearing and sharing the story of their work and hope more schools will consider applying for next year’s round of grants.” 

Both schools will present their initiatives at AMLE24: The 51st Annual Conference for Middle Level Education November 6-9 in Nashville, TN.  

Learn more about and donate to the AMLE Foundation Fund 

Learn more about the Successful Middle School Program