
AMLE24 Snapshot Poster Presentations

Cast your vote for your favorite AMLE24 Snapshot Poster! Snapshot Posters are video presentations of up to 10 minutes that highlight an impactful practice. You can view them before, during, or after AMLE24, as they’ll be available to all attendees through December 31, 2024. Click the thumbnails below to learn more and view the videos.

Snapshot Posters are also eligible for grand prizes! Prizes are determined by two scores:

  • Peer voting (weighted at 25% of total score). Peer voting will be open until Friday, November 8 at 2:00 pm. Each AMLE24 attendee can vote for their favorite Snapshot Poster in the Whova App.
    1. Open the Whova App
    2. Go to Home Screen
    3. Click on “Snap Vote” to Submit Your Vote
  • Evaluation of AMLE’s panel of judges (weighted at 75% of total score). Judges will evaluate Snapshot Posters based on three categories: 1) Content and organization, 2) Research and evidence, and 3) Delivery.

Snapshot 101
Joy By Design: Cultivating a culture of Educator WellBeing all Year Round

Snapshot 102
Making Math Relevant with High Engagement

Snapshot 103
The Academic Benefits of Reflection Journaling

Snapshot 104
Forward We Grow: Maximizing Student Growth through Data Digs

Snapshot 105
The Hundreds Chart: Building from Arithematic to Algebra

Snapshot 106
Fighting Censorship and Promoting Diversity: Advocating for Middle Level Learners’ Access to Books

Snapshot 107
Wild Magic – Increasing Academic Growth and Engagement in ESY Through a Role-Playing Game

Snapshot 108
Foster Family Engagement to Improve Teacher Retention and Build School Community

Snapshot 109
Maximizing Teaching Potential: Coaching to Promote Professional Growth & Student Success

Snapshot 110
Students Learning Life Skills through collaborative thinking and teamwork

Snapshot 111
Putting Your Students to Work: Creating Leadership Roles for Students in your Building

Snapshot 112
Prosocial and Active Learning (PAL) Classrooms: Using Engagement to Grow Kindness

Snapshot 113
Unleashing Creativity: STEM & ELA Fusion!

Snapshot 114
ELA Writing Project: Cultivating Growth Mindset & Grit

Snapshot 115
Why I joined a gang: A Lesson for Middle School Leaders.

Snapshot 116
Strategies for Supporting Students in Poverty: Bridging Counselors and Administrators

Snapshot 117
A Reflection of Learning: Using E-Portfolios to Transform Student Learning Journeys

Snapshot 118
Embracing Metacognition Moments in Middle School Classrooms to Build Student Motivation

Snapshot 119
“From Pages to Progress”: Near-Peer Mentoring through Literacy Mentoring and Inquiry-Based Learning

Snapshot 120
Developing Confident Writers (While Also Combatting AI Plagiarism!)

Snapshot 121
Financial-ish: Financial Literacy for Middle $choolers

Snapshot 122
Implementation of a Portrait of a Learner to Center Whole Child Learning

Snapshot 123
The Authentic Playbook: Real Kids. Real World Work.

Snapshot 124
We See You; Creating Inclusive Perspectives through Adolescent Chapter Books

Snapshot 125
Social Studies and Arts Integration That Give Students Room for Expression

Snapshot 126
Establishing a School and Community Service-Learning Program

Snapshot 127
Unlocking Proficiency: Tier 1 Mastery through EdTech

Snapshot 128
Librarian + Classroom Teacher = Edu-tainment: The Dynamic Duo Tag Teaming Education

Snapshot 129
Ridge Ambassadors: Champions of Kindness and Leadership

Snapshot 130
Weekly wellness to support early career teacher success

Snapshot 131
Turn Your Classroom into a Museum by Using Object-Based Learning and Mini Museum Posters

Snapshot 132
A Problem-Solving Approach with Multiple Mathematical Perspectives

Snapshot 133
Stacking Cups to Simulate Conceptual Understanding: A Mathematical Activity

Snapshot 134
Constructing Rectangles and Categorizing Numbers

Snapshot 135
Harness the power of gratitude to transform classroom culture.

Snapshot 136
Structured Collaboration: A Path to Building Equitable and Confident Classroom Communities

Snapshot 137
Charting the Course: Planning and Implementing Interdisciplinary Climate Justice Projects

Snapshot 138
Unlocking Potential: Elevating Student Voice into Actionable Change

Snapshot 139
Reimagining Reading in Urban Middle Schools: A Case Study on a Tier 2 Multicomponent Reading Program

Snapshot 140
G.R.E.A.T. Teaching Strategies Begin at the Door and Can Happen in Every Class and Every Subject.

Snapshot 141
9×9: Building YAs’ Math Identity One Digit at a Time Through Variant Sukodu Puzzles

Snapshot 142
Empowering International Educators: Coaching Toward Cultural Competence

Snapshot 143
Using Visual Schedules and Contracts to Improve Student Behavior at the Middle School Level

Snapshot 144
Teaming Up to Learn Math and Cybersecurity in Middle School

Snapshot 145
Teacher & Student Voice Unite: Structures of A Middle School Advisory Program

Snapshot 146
Effective Strategies for Building an Engaging Culture of Success

Snapshot 147
Implementing Career Day for Middle Schoolers

Snapshot 148
The Science of Engagement: MySciLife in Action

Snapshot 149
A Growing and Successful PBIS Program

Snapshot 150
El próximo nivel: Dual Language and Multilingual Programs at the Middle School

Snapshot 151
New and Reimagined Learning Experiences: Our Project Based Learning Ideas and Successes from the ELA Classroom

Snapshot 152
“Are you game?” Who’s Ready to Ignite their Staff Meetings and In-Services

Snapshot 153
CER’s in the Mathematics Classroom

Snapshot 154
Building Stronger Readers

Snapshot 155
Enriching the Middle School Mind: One School’s Approach to Offering Developmentally Responsive Courses Based on Student Choice

Snapshot 156
Bridging Success: Navigating International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (IBMYP) in Public Education

Snapshot 157
Dos and Don’ts of Building Relationships with Young Adolescents: Advice from Older Adolescents

Snapshot 158
Plotting the Earth With Mental Maps

Snapshot 159
Empowering Students with Desmos Graphing: Revolutionizing Math Practice in Grades 6-12

Snapshot 160
In our Tier I Era! Positive Behavioral Intervention & Supports (PBIS) – Achieving Tier I Fidelity

Snapshot 161
Flex: Where Fun Meets Focus

Snapshot 162
How Do I Cultivate a Culture of Continuous Learning and Growth?: Instructional Coaches Guiding Educational Teams

Snapshot 163
Cultivating Connections: A Relational Model for Identity Inclusivity in Middle Schools

Snapshot 164
Boosting Teacher Efficacy & Student Success: The Impact of Clear Learning Progressions

Snapshot 165
Ethical Debate: Big Questions, Diverse Thoughts

Snapshot 166
For the Love of Learning and Teaching: An Intro to the AMLE Teacher Leaders Committee

Snapshot 167
Screenagers Under the Influence: Addressing Vaping, Drugs, and Alcohol in the Digital Age Showing and Q&A