
Take Students Outside! How Experiential Learning Trips Can Build Community, Promote Service Learning, and Foster an Appreciation for the Natural World

“Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul alike.” – John Muir, The Yosemite (1912). Thirty-eight degrees and thunderstorms in the Sierra Mountains will always prove that you didn’t plan accordingly for your camping adventure. The chill that

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Empowering Middle Schoolers with Modern Financial Literacy

In the latest episode of “Middle School Walk and Talk,” hosts Phyllis Fagell and Jessica McGuire delve into the critical topic of financial literacy, highlighting its importance in the middle school curriculum. Joined by Khalia Murray and Kevin Mechenbier from EverFi, the discussion sheds light on why financial literacy should be an integral part of

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12 Questions to Ask

12 Questions to Ask When Designing Culturally and Historically Responsive Curriculum

Let’s engage students with learning pursuits, rather than standards Culturally and historically responsive education is both a theory and model to respond to students’ histories, identities, literacies and liberation in pedagogy. In addition, this approach is a collaborative model where youth voices are at the center and caregivers and community members are our partners in

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