Differentiated Instruction

Differentiated Instruction: Setting the Pedagogy Straight [Revised]

This is a revised version of the article that originally ran in the October, 2011 issue of AMLE’s Middle Ground magazine. Rick intends this as a myth-buster for some of the differentiation misconceptions circulating in today’s political climate. The most common sentiment I hear among those who practice differentiated instruction (DI) is that DI is

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Grading Students Identified as Special Education, ELL, RTI, MTSS, or, Otherwise in General Education Classes

Civics is taught in eighth grade. No, that’s fifth grade in our school, actually, and sixth grade is ancient cultures with seventh grade focusing on the mid-1800’s through the modern era. And what’s 8th grade, you ask? We decided to turn that into a personal finance and college/career prep course. And what about math? Well,

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Team Passion Project – The Importance of Offering Student Choice in the Middle Grades

Save the bees. That was the aim of Team Passion Project, the winners of the second annual Solve Together Challenge, a national competition designed to encourage career exploration and skill-building for middle school students. The team, comprised of seventh grader from Franklin Avenue Middle School, could either select from a list of real-world problems or

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Put a Grade on It

If U Liked It Then U Shoulda Put a Grade On It: Communicating Values Through Assessment

A beloved activity in my 7th grade science class was the mitosis dance activity. The kids worked collaboratively to choreograph a complex performance set to music and complete with a human cell wall and spindle fibers pulling apart the sister chromatids (aka their fellow classmates). I was pleasantly surprised to see that the activity engaged

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