Differentiated Instruction

Automation and Robotics in a 1:1 School District

Technology to enhance learning, hone teaching skills, and showcase student learning My school district recently went 1:1, meaning each student receives their own district-issued Chromebook for use throughout the school year. As an Automation and Robotics teacher, I was interested to see how this change would affect my classroom and students. Technology had already been

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Erik Francis

Erik M. Francis, M.Ed., M.S. is an author, educator, and speaker who specializes in teaching and learning that promotes cognitive rigor and postsecondary (college and career) readiness. He is the author of Now THAT’S a Good Question! How to Promote Cognitive Rigor Through Classroom Questioning (ASCD). He is also the owner of Maverik Education LLC, providing academic

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Blended Learning

Moving Beyond Tech-Rich Classrooms Imagine being tasked with teaching a class of restless adolescents, all of whom have different learning styles, strengths, interests, and needs. Or perhaps this daunting scenario is not so farfetched at all. A team of innovative teachers at Middletown Middle School (MMS) in Frederick County, Maryland, decided to try something vastly

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That Was Then, This Is Now: Gifted in the Middle

Committing to the challenge of addressing the needs of gifted learners That Was Then Middle schools and their guiding philosophies were created in reaction to junior and senior high schools’ lack of attention to developmental and academic needs of young adolescents. This We Believe: Keys to Educating Young Adolescents and other writings of the last 60 years

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Differentiation: Closing the Gap between Frustration and Success

Teaching and learning in diverse ways. As middle school teachers, we are well aware of the many ways in which our student populations vary. From physical appearances and stages of development to prior experiences and ethnicities, students’ compositions highlight the importance of getting to know our students in order to create learning experiences that reflect

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