In a recent episode of the Middle School Walk and Talk podcast, hosts Phyllis Fagell and Jessica McGuire discuss school culture and leadership with award-winning principal and best-selling author Jimmy Casas. Listen to the podcast episode now, or enjoy the recap of five key takeaways here: Revisiting the Interview Chair: Casas introduced the “Interview Chair”
I’m out of the classroom working with teachers and principals right now, but I still wake up occasionally in moderate panic in the middle of the night worried about a lesson finishing too soon, the class dissolves into chaos, and I’m fired. How weirdly that has seeped into my teacher bones. Some educators and cognitive
My name is Erin McBurney and I teach 8th grade U.S. History at Watertown Middle School. I was born and raised in Watertown, South Dakota, and I plan to retire from Watertown Middle School as an 8th grade U.S. History teacher because I love teaching. I love it with my whole heart. I love teaching
Read More… from A Back-to-School Message to My Fellow Middle Grades Educators