Middle School Concept

We Have to Prepare Students for the Next Level, Don’t We?

Some universities blame the poor academic performance of their young adult students on the poor quality instruction they think students received in high schools. High schools blame the middle schools, middle schools blame elementary schools, and elementary schools blame their students’ gene pool. It is stunning how similar their commentaries are to those recorded by

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World Language Education: Supporting This We Believe

World languages are an important component of effective middle level education. Helping young adolescents become fully functioning, self-actualized persons who are prepared for college, career, and the world, means giving them multiple opportunities to collaborate within and beyond the classroom and connect ideas across disciplines through problem solving and critical thinking. One way to reach

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Mixing Up the Teams: All Students Deserve the Very Best

Why tracking based on ability means everyone loses. Let’s say we have two soccer teams. One is populated by all of the strongest, fastest, toughest, athletic students. These kids attend practice every day after school and work out on their own in the evenings and on the weekends. They eat healthy food and receive the

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