These elements of the middle school concept need attention and commitment We have heard it talked about for years and years. The middle school concept was implemented in the early 1990s when I was a teacher in an urban middle school. Traditionally, teachers worked in departments and there were no teams. When the middle school
Middle School Concept
Educators’ mindsets make it possible to move a philosophy forward What is middle school philosophy and how does it compare with or differ from a middle school mindset? A philosophy can be summarized as a system of principles used to guide one’s practices; whereas a mindset can be described as an attitude with intention. Based on those
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Educators have a responsibility to guide the moral development of youth For years I have been concerned over what I view as the seriously truncated understanding of what teaching entails that is now commonly held. Taken hold in most peoples’ minds, it seems, is a very narrow and limited view of teaching, one focused almost
How a daily rotating schedule positively impacted the culture of our school “If you want something you’ve never had, you’ve got to do something you’ve never done.” —Anonymous How many of us remember that last class of the day? As students, we all zoned out by that time, and it always seemed to be our
A great schedule helps both students and teachers grow and learn Having worked as a middle school administrator and math teacher in school operations in several states and multiple schools for many years, I have seen my share of middle school schedules. As a presenter and workshop attendee, I love to ask dedicated middle school
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Each year, thousands of middle grades preservice teachers assume their places in classrooms across the country, through practica, internships, and student teaching experiences. Over 600 U.S. colleges or universities currently offer some form of specialized middle level teacher preparation (Howell, Faulkner, Cook, Miller, & Thompson, 2016), many of which are in.uenced by national standards that