Social Emotional Learning

Advisory Matters. Here Are Eight Strategies To Keep It Going Strong.

We teach a precious and somewhat precarious age group. Our middle grades students are in the throes of one of life’s most pivotal and seminal periods in human development. They are growing faster than at almost any other time in life and are grappling with some of life’s most significant milestones which will come to

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All Middle Schoolers are Superheroes in the Making: How to help kids build psychological resiliency in an increasingly complicated world

I say often, “Kids are kids, no matter where they learn.” I still believe that’s true, but today’s middle schoolers have endured so much and I have seen wide variance in their ability to thrive through the challenges of the past few years. It’s no wonder parents and educators continue to struggle to support them

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Teens interacting at school

Ethics and SEL in the Post-COVID Classroom

Introduction While the world seems to have largely moved beyond the COVID-19 pandemic, its impact remains. The pandemic was a harrowing time for all of us, but it had perhaps the most profound effect on education. While this experience revealed the bravery and perseverance of both students and teachers, it nevertheless came with challenges—and we’re

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Reimagining School Discipline: It Takes All of Us

It’s hard to argue that school-based relationships haven’t been tested the past couple of years, including between educators and students. Maybe then it is time to rethink how we build these relationships in the first place, argued Nathan Maynard, co-author of Hacking School Discipline, and Dr. Belinda George, who gained international notoriety for her “Tucked

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