Special Education/Inclusion

Leveling Up your Team Meetings: Five Strategies for Effective Teaming at the Middle Level

In The Successful Middle School: This We Believe, we learn that interdisciplinary teaming is “a signature component” of a middle school (p. 51). The benefits of these smaller groups of students within a larger school include easing the transition from elementary to middle school and helping students feel a sense of belonging. However, creating a

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Grading Students Identified as Special Education, ELL, RTI, MTSS, or, Otherwise in General Education Classes

Civics is taught in eighth grade. No, that’s fifth grade in our school, actually, and sixth grade is ancient cultures with seventh grade focusing on the mid-1800’s through the modern era. And what’s 8th grade, you ask? We decided to turn that into a personal finance and college/career prep course. And what about math? Well,

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Unified Champion Schools

Unified Classroom: Inclusive SEL Resources for Your Classroom and Your Club

Recently, educators have felt the pressure to close academic gaps. They’ve also felt a need to provide Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) due to the extreme social disconnect students have experienced, especially those with an intellectual disability (ID). Even before mandated social distancing, the average loneliness for individuals with ID was 44.74% (source). So, the

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Inclusion and Problem-Based Learning: Roles of Students in a Mixed-Ability Group

The literature on the use of problem-based learning in K–12 settings has traditionally focused on gifted and average students. However, mainstreaming is placing increasing numbers of students with special needs in general education classrooms. This case study examined how members of a small group in a mainstreamed seventh grade science class interacted with and supported

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Should Middle School Students with Learning Problems Copy and Paste Notes from the Internet? Mixed-Methods Evidence of Study Barriers

In the experimental phase of this mixed-methods study, 49 middle school students receiving special education services took notes from the Internet under either a written notes or a copy-and-paste notes condition. Immediate, cued-recall measures of factual learning showed that students who wrote their notes were better able to recall what they had noted, although recall

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