
Student Reading

Key Features of Effective Reading Intervention for Middle School Students

Today’s middle schools are energetic, dynamic environments, as administrators and teachers strive to incorporate the range of abilities of their students into the increasing demands of advanced curriculum in all subject areas. As I’ve traveled around the country talking with teachers about their classroom experiences, I’ve noticed that many teachers who work with middle school

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Partnerships Make Middle School Education the Best It Can Be

Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much. -Helen Keller In the dynamic and ever-evolving landscape of middle school education, partnering with the right people or organizations can be key to success propelling middle school students much further ahead than what is possible when we work alone. Let’s take a closer look

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AI Ethics

Five Ethical Considerations to Keep in Mind Before Using AI In Your Classroom

As teacher leaders, we are excited about the many ways that AI can support student engagement and deepen learning. We also advocate a healthy amount of caution. Before you set students loose in an AI world full of helpful and exciting tools, it is important to note its current drawbacks and implement explicit lessons to

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The article image is titled, “Mother Earth Goddess Who Protects the Oceans,” and was created by grade 8 students at Vientiane International School using Poe.com as part of a unit on SDG 13 - Climate Action.

10 Ways Students Can Authentically Use AI For Deep Learning

The article image is titled, “Mother Earth Goddess Who Protects the Oceans,” and was created by grade 8 students at Vientiane International School using Poe.com as part of a unit on SDG 13 – Climate Action. Students want to be content creators, not content consumers, and the “sit and get” teaching approach can no longer

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