T-shirt literacy and social justice education for diverse adolescent learners. Graphic T-shirts have always had a special place in my life. One of my favorite pieces of clothing in my closet is an old “Schoolhouse Rock!” T-shirt. The shirt features the old PBS television show’s classic logo along with some of the show’s memorable characters,
Many young adolescents desire to “blend in” by hiding or shedding certain aspects of their identities due to social pressures. How can I help students view differences as strengths? This is part 2 in “Mentor Me” questions about Social and Emotional Learning (SEL). The need to conform to seemingly popular ways of thinking, dressing, and
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Google Apps, now called G Suite, is really catching on in classrooms around the United States and beyond. But the way we think about its tools, such as Docs, Sheets, or Slides, is stuck in first gear. It is easy for teachers to think of using these productivity suite tools in these ways: I’ll have
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A transformative experience that will inform your approach to teaching As educators, we take a mental snapshot of our students. We figure the funny seventh grader who goofs off with boys in the hallway has plenty of friends to sit with at lunch. We assume the cynical loner who tries to sleep through our class
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Providing students with opportunities to explore, wonder, and discover. Mini-Course Day As I began teaching a thoughtfully designed lesson on conductors and insulators, I was met with blank stares and compliant students, patiently waiting me out. If they weren’t such compliant young people, they might have said, “Really, is this necessary? Can we start learning
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Two Quick Tips for Helping Students in Anger With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, I thought it would be appropriate to write about anger. Sounds about right. Before I was a middle school teacher and administrator, I was a young adolescent. And as I’ve mentioned on previous posts, my middle grades diet was a balance
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