We often focus on “getting-to-know-you” activities during the first weeks of school yet what are some ways I can develop community and encourage students to build positive relationships with one another throughout the school year? Developing and maintaining a positive, safe learning environment and community is essential during the middle school years. The young adolescents
Invest in daily positive talk for lasting returns. As educators, articulating our thoughts to middle school students can be one of the toughest things to do. There is a delicate balance between saying what we mean and saying the right things to produce positive outcomes. A simple slip of the tongue can turn the intentions
The new 3 Rs—respect, responsibility, and relationships. What does discipline look like in your classroom? In your school? How do those who have been harmed have a voice in the discipline process? How do students with repeated behavioral issues get support? What Is Restorative Practices? Restorative Practices is a framework of addressing school discipline and
How your teaching philosophy can guide inspiration and creativity in the classroom One of my first mini-lessons in my fifth-grade language arts and social studies class is to have my students write a six-word memoir. For this assignment, students have only six words to share the most important thing about themselves. I write my own
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Opportunities abound for teachers to make connections with diverse families. As we welcome students into our classrooms each year, we are reminded of the important role families play in our students’ education. We listen as administrators discuss the importance of community and parental involvement. We attend workshops that share strategies for engaging families and absorbing
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One student’s enthusiasm can open new doors to teaching and learning. My son’s birthday party this year was at one of those bounce house places with children hopped up on orange soda and birthday cake. In the midst of the chaos, one of the workers approached me—not with the news of some disaster, as I
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