Two years ago our school underwent a reorganization to create a designated middle school. Previously the school was split into two parts: Lower School which included Montessori sixth grade and Upper School which was grades 7 through 12. Administrators recognized the differences in the middle grades and a new principal was hired to oversee the
Exploring the five plagues of complex text. One of the most important aspects of teaching literacy in the classroom is text selection, the process by which teachers choose what their students will read. For many teachers, text selection boils down to choosing something that will engage students and motivate them to read. Reasonable diversity in
Positive student behavior develops from expectations, relationships, and direct instruction. Although many schoolwide discipline efforts focus on systems, rules, and consequences, they often overlook effective response strategies to students’ misbehavior. Without straightforward approaches to teach, encourage, and correct behavior moment by moment, discipline efforts can fall short of changing student behavior. When asked why they
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Academic lifeguards are on duty, on guard, and willing to jump in when necessary. You are a lifeguard on a beach and you see a child engulfed by an enormous wave, then struggling to keep her head above water. You use every skill you have to prevent the child from drowning. Academic lifeguards are no
World languages are an important component of effective middle level education. Helping young adolescents become fully functioning, self-actualized persons who are prepared for college, career, and the world, means giving them multiple opportunities to collaborate within and beyond the classroom and connect ideas across disciplines through problem solving and critical thinking. One way to reach
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Meeting new science standards can be hard for students who struggle with reading and writing. How do you teach the new science standards to students who struggle with reading and writing? Many middle school science teachers face this dilemma, which is especially challenging for science educators at my school. Like many urban schools across the