
“Think bigger about science”: Using Twitter for learning in the middle grades

Introduction Middle level educators have a deep awareness of their students’ tremendously social nature. Young adolescents yearn to be connected with their peers, whether sharing excitedly during lunch, on the school bus, or in the hall- ways, and regardless of whether they are face-to-face, across a room, or immersed in a screen. Digital tools, including

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Prep-Once Activities

Bust worksheets and lectures with these activities you can reuse many times over. We’ve all experienced it—you look up from your lesson to notice a virus spreading among your students. First one, then three, and before long, the whole class is overtaken. It’s a zombie virus … the virus of disengagement. But how do we

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Becoming a Teacher

Finding your niche and keeping the passion. Do you remember your first day of college? I do. It was fall 2011 and I had arrived at Bowling Green State University to major in adolescent to young adult education, which covered grades 7–12. I showed up nearly 45 minutes early to my first class, Introduction into

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Making a Middle School Magazine

A student-produced magazine celebrates middle level student voice. In October 2015, a team of seven editors—all eighth grade boys at St. Christopher’s School in Richmond, Virginia—met during lunch to compare two digital publishing platforms. They judged entries for the Cover Art Contest and debated the potential of QR codes. By mid-November, a staff of 36

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Teaching Students Responsibility

For as long as humans have lived on Earth, generations of adults have bemoaned the lack of due diligence in the upcoming generation: “They’re indifferent and don’t work hard,” they declare. “We have to teach them self-discipline and how to be responsible!” This is followed quickly with a list of punitive measures sure to instill

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