
AI Ethics

Five Ethical Considerations to Keep in Mind Before Using AI In Your Classroom

As teacher leaders, we are excited about the many ways that AI can support student engagement and deepen learning. We also advocate a healthy amount of caution. Before you set students loose in an AI world full of helpful and exciting tools, it is important to note its current drawbacks and implement explicit lessons to

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The article image is titled, “Mother Earth Goddess Who Protects the Oceans,” and was created by grade 8 students at Vientiane International School using as part of a unit on SDG 13 - Climate Action.

10 Ways Students Can Authentically Use AI For Deep Learning

The article image is titled, “Mother Earth Goddess Who Protects the Oceans,” and was created by grade 8 students at Vientiane International School using as part of a unit on SDG 13 – Climate Action. Students want to be content creators, not content consumers, and the “sit and get” teaching approach can no longer

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10 AI Time-Saving Teaching Hacks

In AMLE’s 2023 Membership Survey, teacher leaders were asked, “What factors, if any, prevent you from becoming a more effective teacher leader?” The number one response was, unsurprisingly, “time.” More than ever, teachers today feel pressed for time. From planning and executing high-quality lessons for diverse learners, to managing multiple meetings with different constituents, our

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Collaboration and Connections: How to Transform the School Library into a Vibrant Learning Hub

The middle school library is an evolving space. What was once consistently a quiet space for reading has changed into a versatile space with a variety of functions, depending on the school. The Library Learning Commons at Scotts Ridge Middle School demonstrates how this evolution can create a library that serves as a hub of

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