Fostering relationships, management, and learning with expectations and structures Classroom management is essential in structuring an environment conducive to learning. Sprick (2009) explains that educators need to understand how to shape behavior so they “can make effective decisions and take appropriate actions to help students learn to behave responsibly” (p. 16). Middle school educators often
The 3Cs of classroom management in the middle school English language arts classroom Introduction You can be the greatest teacher of English language arts content but never be able to teach it if classroom management issues plague your classroom. The fact of the matter is that good classroom management is essential to a successful classroom.
Why it’s not worth getting into a struggle with students It was the summer of 1998. I lived in a two room apartment with my now husband. The shower was in the kitchen. We drove clunker cars, scrounged change for take-out, and let me tell you, we were living our best life. We were young,
A successful school year starts—and continues—with knowing well the students we serve One of the highest forms of respect around the world is to prove to someone that we really know them, and that we see them as worth knowing. We can connect with the grumpiest of individuals when we prove such things, and, of
Students share about their engagement in and ownership of their own play time “Man is most nearly himself when he achieves the seriousness of a child at play.” —Heraclitus (554 – 483 BC) As middle school educators, we see a growing population of adolescents who struggle with executive skills and social problem-solving. We believe the
Facilitating rich discourse to engage students and develop confidence Through education, teachers influence change in their students’ mindsets, which in turn can help students become successful individuals (Yeager & Dweck, 2012). We believe that the best teachers guide, motivate, and inspire their students. Teaching mathematics effectively is crucial to developing students who can solve problems
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