Articles by Topic

Jensen to Receive 2016 Distinguished Educator Award

Principal Randy Jensen will be presented the AMLE Distinguished Educator Award at AMLE2016 in Austin, Texas. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 4, 2016 COLUMBUS, OH — Randy Jensen, principal of William Thomas Middle School, American Falls, Idaho, is the recipient of the Association for Middle Level Education (AMLE) 2016 Distinguished Educator Award. The award, supported by the AMLE

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History Alive: Engaging Students in Cosplaying

Weaving the fun of cosplaying with social studies gives history a life of its own. Every summer, thousands of comic book fans make the trip to Charlotte, North Carolina, for HeroesCon. During this three-day convention, hundreds of fans dress up like Batman, Stormtroopers, Spiderman, Iron Man, taking on the persona of their favorite superheroes. The

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Making Introductory Lessons Higher-Level

Make introductory lessons opportunities for higher-level critical thinking. One of my favorite administrative responsibilities is visiting classrooms and observing lessons. I view those visits and the follow-up conversations with teachers as opportunities to share ideas and expand our thinking about what good teaching entails. Recent conversations with teachers got me thinking about introductory lessons—the lessons

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Trending Topics

AMLE Celebrates Inaugural Schools of Distinction

AMLE recognized its inaugural class of Schools of Distinction earlier this month, in conjunction with the organization’s 49th Annual Conference in Orlando, Florida. The twelve schools were selected for their fervent commitment to implementing the essential attributes and characteristics of successful middle grades schools. In addition to being celebrated during a special awards ceremony, each

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Reimagining School – What should it look like and who is it for?

Cornelius Minor and Kass Minor help #AMLE22 attendees find their bottom lines as educators Cornelius and Kass Minor believe that kids don’t just learn in school. They become. It’s an attitude reflective of what we know about middle grades best practice, making them the perfect keynoters for #AMLE22 and our return to in-person conference. We

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Kindness is harder than it looks.

Houston Kraft reminds #AMLE22 attendees that connection doesn’t happen by accident. Houston Kraft, author and co-founder of CharacterStrong, took the main stage at #AMLE22 yesterday for his keynote address on Deep Kindness. From the outset, he made clear that he had a mission for those in attendance. “If we want more kindness on our campus,

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