Analyzing presidential campaign messages to help students become informed citizens
Analyzing presidential campaign messages to help students become informed citizens
Giving students the opportunity to engage intellectually with their peers
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Tools for rehearsing responses to expressions of bias and racism in ourselves and others Martin Luther King, Jr reminds us that, “Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable… Every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle; the tireless exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals.” George Floyd’s death, along with so
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Integrating social responsibility across the content areas During middle school, students begin to strengthen their ideas and beliefs about themselves and the world around them. To become socially responsible citizens, students need the skills to explore controversial issues through various lenses, respect the ideas of others, better understand themselves, and determine how they can impact
Here’s what students had to say and what educators can do to have camp-inspired lessons Middle schools and summer camps play different roles in society. Middle schools are a legally required step in a child’s development meant to prepare them for college and career, while summer camps are often elective experiences focusing on a broad
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Applying the Constitution to an eighth grader