How can you determine if your decisions are colored by emotion? Have you ever: Made a decision that backfired? Thought that hindsight is 20/20? Wished you had made a different decision? As they share in their February 3, 2009, Harvard Business Review article “Why Good Leaders Make Bad Decisions,” Andrew Campbell, Jo Whitehead, and Sydney Finkelstein, researchers
Tag: Data-Driven Decisions
Experts weigh in on keys to making effective decisions about technology. No school districts want to be featured on the nightly news because of their poor choices in technology decisions or for implementing technology plans that end up wasting the taxpayers’ dollars. But technology decisions are tough, first, because there are so many options—simple upgrades,
The best schools are those that continue to experiment. The term “middle school” is an unassuming part of the vernacular of our educational system. During the past 50 years, middle schools have come to represent what is now the typical organization of schools for grades 6–8. But middle schools were not always the standard. In
Read More… from A Vision for Experimental Middle Schools Today