Tag: Literacy

Discovering a more caring approach to reading and writing that meets students where they are One of the worst assumptions I made as a young classroom teacher was that each and every student in my class would possess a fully developed framework for reading and writing in my class. Maybe this was because I had
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Returning to the text invites deeper learning and understanding Much of the writing we assign our students is public writing—writing to communicate with others. Writing-to-learn is personal writing, writing that helps students increase comprehension of texts—fiction and nonfiction—in all disciplines. Reader response compels readers to interact with the text and makes visible for readers and
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Argumentative writing in the ELA classroom How do educators continue to reflect on their own teaching while preparing students to be career and college ready with 21st century skills and higher order thinking skills? The call for integrating technology into our middle school classrooms seems like an easy strategy. Smartboards, Smart TVs, Chromebooks, iPads …

A variety of voices in literature helps students recognize themselves in text and connect with others I will start with an understatement: Now seems as apt a time as any to begin conversations about multiculturalism and marginalized populations in the classroom. A stance of cultural respect opens opportunities for learning and has the potential to
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How to engage teacher teams in whole-school literacy and learning improvement It’s 7:30 Tuesday morning and groups of teachers are sitting in their first meeting of the year for their professional learning communities (PLCs). Thick binders filled with colored tabs and volumes of files of student literacy achievement data are in front of them. Teachers
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