A few guiding principles can help students learn a second language.
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A few guiding principles can help students learn a second language.
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Moving bilingual children beyond subordinated categories toward full engagement in relevant and authentic learning that embraces their communities.
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Teachers can employ a variety of classroom-tested strategies to teach reading to English language learners.
Asking—and listening—to our students pays off Last night I saw the play Dear Edward Hansen with my 14-year-old eighth grader, Zoey. It’s amazing, of course, but one thing that really struck me was the audible sobbing during the show. This is a play about a suicide, social media, mob mentality, and absolute loneliness, so tears were inevitable.
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Discussion and disruption to reduce and end harmful language and behaviors As a white, privileged, cisgender, heterosexual male, I can walk into most situations with people of my own race, or with mixed race, gender, sexual orientation, or socio-economic status groups, and not have to be on my guard. I do not have to worry