Tag: Project Based Learning

Project-based learning is about more than “doing projects.”
The literature on the use of problem-based learning in K–12 settings has traditionally focused on gifted and average students. However, mainstreaming is placing increasing numbers of students with special needs in general education classrooms. This case study examined how members of a small group in a mainstreamed seventh grade science class interacted with and supported
Read More… from Inclusion and Problem-Based Learning: Roles of Students in a Mixed-Ability Group
At Park Ridge High School one of the texts in our eighth grade language arts curriculum that fulfills a Common Core State Standard is Mark Twain’s The Prince and the Pauper. This novel, which students read toward the end of the year, serves as a foundation to demonstrate that our students “read and comprehend literature, including
Carl Sagan once said, “We can do science, and with it we can improve our lives.” Yes, science is an action—something we can do—and it is apparent that we in education have forgotten that fact. As a result, our world ranking in science has reached an all-time low. Now with the recent push to improve