Tag: Project Based Learning

Mastering standards at a deeper level with project-based learning John Dewey (1959), a great philosopher and educational theorist of the 1950s, had already warned us about the importance of an educational focus on the student rather than on the teacher. He argued that classroom methodologies should be reviewed since young people learn through experimentation. Dewey

The benefit of 20% Time or Genius Hour for middle schoolers In my first year of teaching, I was actively looking for new ways to renew my students’ excitement for learning. My search led me to Google’s 20% Time initiative, where employees are given 20% of their working time to work on personal projects. This

How STEM pedagogy is adaptable and accessible in any classroom Project-Based Learning (PBL) is the current teaching practice being implemented in classrooms to develop 21st century skills and engage students in a deeper level of learning by presenting authentic, complex problems for students to solve over an extended period of time. There is plenty of