How STEM pedagogy is adaptable and accessible in any classroom Project-Based Learning (PBL) is the current teaching practice being implemented in classrooms to develop 21st century skills and engage students in a deeper level of learning by presenting authentic, complex problems for students to solve over an extended period of time. There is plenty of
The excitement in the room is palpable. Teams of middle grades students are engaged in a fingerprinting lab to gather evidence for identifying the likely culprit in a forensics project, “Who Kidnapped Thunder?”, Georgia College’s mascot. “I got it!” one student exclaims, and the entire team races from the room to their suspect board in

Even the most technical STEM jobs require verbal and written communication skills. John Engler, president of The Business Roundtable and former governor of Michigan, recently wrote an article for U.S. News and World Report entitled “STEM Education Is the Key to the U.S.’s Economic Future.” Engler pointed out the United States’ reliance on more qualified workers

Turning up the heat to prepare students for the future. At Berwick Alternative School, we began building STEAM last year—this year we’re moving full STEAM ahead! Berwick, a K–8 school in Columbus, Ohio, has enjoyed a strong legacy of success; however, our learning community came together to reinvent the future, and the result was a