Tag: Student Achievement
Moving bilingual children beyond subordinated categories toward full engagement in relevant and authentic learning that embraces their communities.
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When my husband and I were dating, and we had all the time in the world, back when we strolled through bookstores, we stumbled upon a book called The Book of Questions. We bought it, placed it in the glovebox of my car, and we pulled it out every time we were stuck in traffic, on

How to engage teacher teams in whole-school literacy and learning improvement It’s 7:30 Tuesday morning and groups of teachers are sitting in their first meeting of the year for their professional learning communities (PLCs). Thick binders filled with colored tabs and volumes of files of student literacy achievement data are in front of them. Teachers
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The social, intellectual, emotional, and physical needs of middle schoolers The Association for Middle Level Education (AMLE) emphasizes that attending to the social, intellectual, emotional, and physical needs and assets of middle school children is central to their intellectual development. As middle level teacher educators, it has become apparent to us that there is great

Helping students succeed by becoming aware of their own thought processes Harsh skies at noon mirror the deep, stormy sea. Winds scream at tumultuously rolling peaks and valleys. Tossing ship and tumbled crew groan in unison. The captain shouts through the chaos, “Look lively, mates. You’ve readied our ship and now I need your strength