
Snapshot 117
A Reflection of Learning: Using E-Portfolios to Transform Student Learning Journeys


Presenters: Dawn Lanzarotta, Jillian Denman

Imagine being a high school senior about to embark upon your post-secondary studies. You take a walk down memory lane and think about all the learning that you have engaged in. Now imagine reflecting on that learning by perusing your very own website showcasing your learning from the time you were an itty-bitty Kindergartner all the way to an adult ready to embark upon the “real world.” Electronic portfolios are an innovative and easy-to-implement tool that can completely transform a learner’s experience throughout school, allowing them to routinely reflect on their learning experiences–talk about the new age resume. Join us as we share how we’ve piloted E-Portfolios through Google Sites in our English Language Arts classrooms, see how the portfolio concept has taken hold throughout our district, and learn how we have empowered students to take ownership of this incredibly reflective and personalized practice!

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